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New year 2015 «Oscar Award»

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  4. New year 2015 «Oscar Award»
New year 2015 «Oscar Award»

Our team is an integral part of company’s success. At our work we aim not only to develop business relations with our partners and customers, but also to strengthen relationships within the team. We focus on the development of each employee. So new year corporate event has a special meaning — a recap of the year, celebrate the achievements, new goals.

The achievements of our colleagues we noted in the appropriate manner — awarding in the style of Oscar. Each prize winner fanfare took place on the red carpet to the stage, where he was solemnly awarded the «Oscar» to the applause of all of our friendly team.

After the ceremony, it was the turn of competitions and quizzes, either for individuals or whole teams. Everyone had a chance to prove themselves and win a prize in a friendly and fun team-game atmosphere.

We are proud and appreciate our team, which employs such a fun, creative and friendly staff! And these meetings allow us to rally the team and get to know each other, opening their colleagues in interesting ways that are not always visible in the work environment!


Новый год — это чудесный праздник, который лучше всего проводить с семьей, близкими и друзьями.


19 декабря 2015 года Компания МИЛЛАБ отмечала свой юбилей — 20 лет со дня основания. На наш праздник мы пригласили многих друзей и партнёров.


Нам интересно, чем живут наши коллеги вне офиса, чем увлекаются и какие интересы разделяют. Неотъемлемой частью жизни нашей компании являются мероприятия, которые делают наших сотрудников сплочённее, способствуют развитию активной жизненной позиции и раскрытию талантов.


New Year celebration is the most mysterious and unforgettable celebration of the year. New Year always gives a sense of fairy tales, expectation of miracle and fulfillment of the fondest wish.

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