Glass equipment for research and pilot synthesis: standart and special reactors, parallel synthesis and sample preparation systems.
Manufacturing of glass equipment is the main activity of Radleys.
Radleys company was founded more than 50 years ago
as a glass blowing workshop in Saffron Walden, England.
During its working years the company has proven itself as the manufacturer of premium class equipment and has taken a worthy place on the world market of glass equipment for research and pilot synthesis.
The Goal is to Maximize Experiment Efficiency
The whole research activity of the company’s engineers is focused on creating instruments which allow to reach maximum experiment efficiency and productivity.
Apart from standard equipment, such as glass reactors, parallel synthesis and sample preparation systems, equipment for general laboratory applications, Radleys also manufactures glass accessories and instruments, including reactor units, designed for specific needs of the customer. All products are hand-crafted by highly professional glass blowers using own production facilities in England and have a standard warranty period of 12 months.
MILLAB is the exclusive representative
of Radleys in Russia and CIS. We offer thorough support to our clients: selection of equipment necessary for specific tasks of a client, co-ordination of project designs (if necessary) with the manufacturer, technical consulting, starting-up and adjustment, on-site instrument training of lab personnel, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.