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Анализаторы азота/белка по Къельдалю и Дюма, анализаторы жира по Сокслету, дигесторы, аппараты для перегонки с паром, экстракторы для определения содержания сырой клетчатки.


VELP Scientifica

was founded at 1983. Today it is a famous supplier of analytical equipment. It has impacted on the world market of laboratory analysis through the signature style of its products produced from top-level materials and innovative solution development.

The basic rule VELP Scientifica

is an intention to meet the recent marketing trends in laboratory equipment with true high quality of its products.

Equipment VELP

Scientifica are high-performance analyzers of nitrogen/protein by Dumas, protein analyzers on the Kyedal, digesters, devices for the distillation with steam, the fat analyzers according to Soxhlet, extractors for the determination of crude fiber and fat.

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