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World of Childhood, Corporate Event 16.01.2012

When we were children, the New Year was a festival when we would search for presents, forgetting about anything else, call for Santa Claus and enjoy the lights of garlands.

MILLAB is 15 — Trip to Suzdal 20.12.2010

December 11, 12, 2010, MILLAB celebrated its 15 year anniversary.

ANALYTICA Munich 2010 Trade Fair 01.04.2010

March 23 to 26, 2010, Millab employees attended Analytica, an International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology and Analysis, held since 1968 twice a year in Munich, Germany.

Trip to Alexandrov 17.09.2009

As part of a summer corporate event in 2009, MILLAB employees left the Moscow office and took off on a trip to a tourism center of Russia — Alexandrov.

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