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Industrial and laboratory heat-treatment equipment: muffles and furnaces chambers, tube and cabinet driers, retort furnaces, vacuum furnaces.


The company Nabertherm produces a wide range of heat-treatment equipment.

Founded in 1949 by Conrad Naber

as cottage industry in the suburbs of Bremen (Germany), Company Nabertherm has grown into a global manufacturer of furnaces for educational purposes, research laboratories and various industries.

Quality «Made in Germany»

Despite the expansion of Nabertherm furnaces worldwide (over 100 countries), the Company manufactures products at only one plant, that allows to keep to common quality standards for all products. In addition, the plant Nabertherm has a test center and a development center.

The list of Nabertherm’s items includes:

  • cabinet driers and chambers,
  • laboratory furnaces (muffle, tube),
  • furnace for hot working (hardening furnace chamber, selling furnaces, melting furnaces, salt baths),
  • furnaces for special applications (high temperature furnaces, retort furnaces, vacuum furnaces),
  • additional equipment (hardening bath, equipment for heat treatment at inert gases),
  • integrated solutions (hardening systems, furnaces, automated heat treatment), and more.

In addition to the standard equipment it is possible to conduct optimization of the model from the directory for your process or customized.

The feature of the Nabertherm product range

is the large number of furnaces of various types, giving a number of advantages:

Various types of equipment

Seeking products Nabertherm, you get the most optimal solution for heat treatment, while highly specialized manufacturers persuade the customer to the product of their specialization.

The scalability of the technology

You can move from research tasks to the creation of pilot plants and full production lines without changing the hardware manufacturer, that allows to adapt easily one technology to a new scale at each stage of your development.

A single standard for the performance of furnaces and process management.

Using the Nabertherm equipment allows updating the lab, expanding production, developing new technological processes by using equipment well known to the manufacturer and not to go each time to a new manufacturer for other tasks.

Official distributor and service partner

The company MILLAB is an authorized Nabertherm distributor on the territory of Russia since 2008.

Managers and service of MILLAB undergo regular training on products and servicing at the factory in Germany.

Carrying out pre-commissioning works, warranty and post-warranty service is performed by staff of MILLAB as involving service engineers partner, and completely independently on all lines of equipment Nabertherm.

Company MILLAB has the extensive experience in supplying and maintaining the various laboratory and industrial Nabertherm equipment throughout Russia.

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